Leap Day

It’s Leap Day! Leap! Leap out of bed!
Leap back up when you smack your head
Against the headboard, then your hand
Against your head–“I understand
Now why they call the headboard that!”
Maintain firm pressure: Leap the cat,
Leap for a Band-Aid…better? Great!
You still look pale, though. Better wait
Right there a bit. Tee-dum-tee-dee
There’s color in your cheeks, now. See?
Sometimes it’s best to keep your seat
A little longer. Now, repeat,
As white-eyed orphans used to say,
“Leapin’ Lizards! It’s Leap Day!”
That’s right, that’s how they drew her eyes!
…No, that’s concussion. I surmise
We’d best be calling 9-1-1.
Well, Happy Leap Day! This was fun.

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